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Child Play Therapy Norwich - Happy Children
Play Therapy Norwich - Gi


“My son had several sessions with Karen and I felt it benefited him greatly.  It provided him with time to have some personal space and spend time with Karen in a safe environment.

He enjoyed the time he spent with Karen and looked forward to returning on a weekly basis.

He never questioned why he was visiting Karen but just looked upon it as a time to have fun and have an opportunity to talk to someone outside of the family group.

I would highly recommend meeting with Karen and discussing how she could assist as she has been a great help to my son.”


“Karen is a very competent and friendly Play Therapist. 


I have seen definite results and a great improvement in my child's behaviour.  He also seems happier overall."


"Karen has been able to engage with my daughter at exactly the level that was needed.  My daughter enjoyed and looked forward to the sessions."


“Our son came to attend Karen’s Play Therapy sessions a very anxious, fearful & angry child… Our son started a course of 1 to 1 play therapy sessions on a weekly basis... This was the highlight of his week. It was a place he could express his fears, frustration & anger in the safety & genuine care of Karen. Through her sessions, he made his first, trusted friend. He was able to document his experiences through play & story boarding. This in turn helped him so much to express his feelings… Dealing with these fears he was able to reach happier, positive outcomes & by story boarding these negative experiences, he could deal with them & move on.


He managed to put his new skills, gained from his intensive therapy with Karen, into place immediately by making friends. Something he was never able to do. He became calmer & confident & now, if something has upset him during the day, he will come home & make a story about it. This helps him to understand the situation & to be able to deal with & process his feelings in a much more positive way.


Karen has become a beacon of trust, care & friendship to our son. It is absolutely wonderful to see him open up & express himself when he has one of his sessions. He was sad when they came to a close…


With regards to parental support, we have found Karen’s feedback sessions & her excellent report writing teamed with her observations absolutely invaluable. It can sometimes be a learning curve for the parent as light begins to be shed on what can be a dark situation.


I would strongly recommend Karen & her services to any family who may be experiencing similar concerns for their child.”


“During the two years Karen worked for our cluster of schools, she demonstrated that she is capable of building good working relationships with all staff across very different school settings. Her high level of commitment to her work gained her the respect of all her colleagues. Karen has the ability to work alone but is also a good team player.

It was a pleasure to join review meetings with parents. Hearing of the positive changes that parents were seeing in their children was evidence of the positive outcomes of the therapy.”

British Association of Play Therapists BAPT

Accredited by the British Association of Play Therapists (BAPT)

Insured by: Howden Insurance

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Play Therapy with Karen Hammond,

Carrowbreck House,

7 Carrowbreck Road,


NR6 5FA. 

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